Mommy Police

 This is Raffy's chart made of stars and moons.

 Chart your Child's Obedience Track!
     Getting your child to obey you can be tricky.  But I found a way to easily teach them the virtue of obedience.  I came across this tool when searching the net on how to discipline your children.  It took a lot of self-prodding to finally implement it with my kids, but I tell you it is worth the effort!

                        "By the end of the school year, I was a more relaxed Mommy, 
                             and sported my own happy face.  I even felt like a star."

     I made use of what were readily available in the house and also took the effort at recycling old items as materials.  I took an old desk planner and used the back portion as my paper.   Then I cut circles out of old folders to draw on.  Black and colored permanent markers, crayons and masking tape did the rest.

     It is important that you create a draft first before you write on the final chart.  First, I figured out the do's and dont's and labeled them "I will" and "I will not" then placed them on rows.  On each label, I chose items that were current issues I needed to iron out with my kids. 

     For example, on the "I will" label, I placed items such as "Follow my schedule", "Study after school" and "Be obedient"; while on the "I will not" label, I placed "Play at the Computer", "Scream, mock, mimick" and "Tease and do talking hand."

     These items are very customized and vary per school semester.  I created another chart custom-made for my other son Ryan too.

Ryan's chart is made out of happy and sad faces.

     If you'll notice, the two charts are roughly the same except the last two items.  In Ryan's chart the items include "I will not"  "Force and no kisseys" and "Tickle Mommy after she says stop."  Soo cute really!

     The marks are different too.  Raffy has moons and stars for negative and positive or bad and good respectively, while Ryan has sad and happy faces.  The boys had their share of drawing the marks too.  They made some in varied designs and colors.

     The chart likewise has columns from Monday to Friday, and a Remarks column at the end.  The boys and I will then "mark" the squares on the corresponding columns according to their performance.

    I then give rewards and the end of the week.  A small (ergo cheap) toy if they have all happy faces or all stars on the chart.  A candy (or any junk food) if they had more happy faces or starts than sad faces or moons.  

     After I imposed this chart on my boys for a whole school semester, I was amazed at the results!  I didn't need to scream (well, not as much as before) anymore to get them to do their duties and they were less naughty.

     By the end of the school year, I was a more relaxed, and sported my own happy face.  I even felt like a star.

    Come on!  Make an obedience chart for your own kid, then share your experience with us!  


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