

That's me with Raffy and Ryan, they're sweet  but sometimes sibling rivalry shows its ugly head.   But that's okay, my boys have handsome heads.      What is the oldest profession in history?  What is the greatest sport?   Who is the greatest athlete?  Your answers are all – wrong.  The oldest profession?   Motherhood.    The greatest sport?   Motherhood.    The greatest athlete?  The Mother.      Ladies and gentlemen, motherhood is like a competition.  The name of the game?  Sibling Rivalry.               You see, all contestants in any form of competition are no match for me as a mother.      Being a mother is not just like being a competitor, because motherhood is also like a sport.  But in this case, a mother is not just a...

Baby Talk

Everyday offers funny moments with my two boys goofing around. That's me in brown with my husband Richard and our two little rascals Raffy and Ryan.      Do you know kids are very funny? Yes, they’re funny.  They look funny.  They talk funny.  One thing funny about them is their spelling.      My younger boy Ryan once wrote a greeting card for Mothers Day.  To Mom Happy Mother’s Day!  I love you so Humongous!  I hope you will have a beautiful day and you’re so preety!        He loves me so humongous!  And I am so preety! P-R-E-E-T-Y.       Funny, right?  But it is sweet actually. "There is never a dull moment when you have kids.     We have humor every day."